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(My Maori ancestry and location)
Ko Mauao te māunga

Ko Tauranga te moana

Ko Ngāi Te Rangi tōku iwi

Ko Ngāti Tapu tōku hapū

Ko Mātaatua te waka

Ko Waikari te Marae

Ko Pure Tāwhiao tōku māmā


Esoteric Practitioner

  Paulette Cartier 

Esoteric Clairvoyant

Medium & Channel

Past life Integration

(Akashic Records)

Matariki Healer

Soul Mapping Coach

(Your Authentic Self)

Meridian Psychotherapist

HH Dip (M.P.Th)

Shamanic Clearing

Intuitive Mentor

Workshop Facilitator

(Mindfulness Programs)


  (ACA 10676)  


I'm a Qualified Practitioner with 30 years experience of training in many modalities of Well-Being. Also being trained as a Counsellor, I create and facilitate Empowerment workshops.

My work has taken me around Australia, Europe and New Zealand.

I love what I do.. My passion is to be of service to others and to help them know clarity within.

I was born with wonderful gifts but I believe that at the end of the day, one needs to experience much of what life has to offer.

Over the years, I've worked in different mainstream jobs. From product and weight loss certs in the health food arena to the nursing/mental health industry. These types of experiences gave me the understanding of what happens when we're in balance with our mind, body and spirit and when we're not. 

My business is called Aroha Health. The meaning of Aroha is "Love" in Maori (NZ).

In my 30s, my guides showed me a healing modality I call Matariki Healing. (Maori word for Pleiadian).

This technique realigns the energy centres in and around the body by releasing dross/ attached cords/ancient fears/ implants and timeline blocks.

This allows the pure waves of healing light sequences

to align and connect to your Energy matrix.

It will bring balance to you in a Positive and Empowering way.

When you have melding of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Aspects of who you truly are, you will feel Empathy, Unconditional Love, Humility, Gratitude, Compassion, Acceptance of yourself and others. 

This allows reconnection with your higher self.      

Being balanced in Love affects our mind, body and soul.

I have experienced the highs and lows and still do. This helps me to better understand the life I'm creating by Self-Acceptance and aligning towards Self-Mastery.

Embarking on this great adventure of my life, I have encountered many amazing people and experiences.

There is so much more to our reality than what the physical eyes can see. 

Learning how to be your own Creator and finding solutions to the many challenges in life you face is both Enlightening and Rewarding... 

There's only one Cosmic Law on Earth which is the Freedom of "CHOICE".

Once you've decided with "INTENT" to grow into your Divine-ness, you will have doors open and the Esoteric Wind at your Back.



Life Coach, Healer and

Clairvoyant Reader 

Tauranga NZ

Mob: 021 990 723

Intl: +64 21 990 723

Connect to the Creator witin
Authentic you
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